Apply for Our “Diamonds Do Good” High School Senior Scholarship

How Your High School Senior Can Receive “Diamonds Do Good” Scholarship

diamonds do good scholarship

At David’s Jewelry and Coin Exchange, we believe in the power of community and serving those in need. Our owners, David and Danelle Weaver, are passionate about meeting the needs of our local and international communities. Recently, their service efforts have contributed to building a second educational building at the Ethan Ellsworth Vocational Training Center in Kolir, Uganda. Locally, , they have generously committed to helping local high school seniors pay for their college expenses through their Diamonds Do Good Scholarship! Keep reading to learn how your seniors can apply. 

Our Diamonds Do Good Scholarship 

The Diamonds Do Good scholarship was created to spark a drive for community service in seniors in the Bryan/College Station area and to help hardworking students pay for their college expenses. This scholarship was just created in 2022, and our first scholarship winner will be announced in April 2023. To qualify for the scholarship,students must currently be a senior and attend  public, private or homeschool within the Bryan and College Station city boundaries and have been accepted to Blinn College or Texas A&M University College Station Campus for the fall of 2023 school year. Students must also be seeking an Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree.

Service Project Requirements 

In addition to the above requirements, students must also complete a community service project. This service project should focus on meeting our communities’ needs and creating a lasting impact. Service projects should be 100% created by the students and don’t include simply volunteering for an existing project. Students completing service projects must:

  • Meet a need in the community 
  • Plan and develop a project to meet that need 
  • Lead and execute the service project 
  • Summarize the lasting impact of the service project 

Once the service project is completed, students should go ahead and submit their scholarship application! To submit your application, students must:

  • Submit the application form 
  • Submit a document that identifies the community needs the service project aims to address, the steps taken to plan the project, and post-project evaluation. 
  • Submit a 5-minute video showing the service project’s planning, execution, and evaluation process. This video should be submitted via a YouTube link. 
  • Submit a photo of yourself 

Apply Now! 

Scholarship applications are open now through March 31, 2023. One high school senior will be selected as the scholarship winner and will be notified directly or through their school at a scholarship awards ceremony. There is still plenty of time to apply, but we encourage you to get started on your service projects and submit your application as soon as possible. We’re so excited to see your work in the community and the lasting impact your service will have! If you have any questions regarding the Diamonds Do Good scholarship or our services, please feel free to contact us.